Our staff appreciates and encourages parents, family members, and community members to be volunteers at our school. Board Policy 1240 (b), Volunteer Assistance, requires all volunteers to be screened.
There are two categories of volunteers and the screening requirements are as follows:
Tier I - Student Contact Volunteers: required to acknowledge/sign off on the Volunteer Handbook, fingerprinting and a criminal record clearance, identified as a cleared volunteer, and wear an school issued badge.
Tier II – Non Student Contact/Supervised Contact Volunteers: required to sign off on the acknowledgment of the Volunteer Handbook, sign in at the school Front Office, and display site issued identification.
If a Parent wants to volunteer in person, working at a classroom or on our site, they need to be Tier I Cleared Volunteer.
If they want to volunteer doing some work for teachers at home, out of site, they can be Tier II Volunteer.
To start the application process to become a Tier 1 Volunteer, follow these steps:
1. Click the link below to apply. You will need a valid Drivers License/Passport and will also be asked for some other identifying information through a secure server.
Tier 1 Volunteer Application
2. Once the online application is completed, a Livescan form will be automatically sent to you which you can take to one of the Livescan centers to complete the Fingerprinting process. *The cost of the fingerprinting will not be covered by the school site or the district.
Providers of Live Scan Services in Orange County can be found on the Internet at:
A prospective Tier 1 volunteer should contact their school site two weeks after being fingerprinted to verify that their fingerprints have cleared.
3. Complete a Volunteer form located in the Oak Grove Office.
4. After all those steps are completed, Oak Grove Office Staff will issue a volunteer badge that you will need to wear visibly on campus at all times.
All Oak Grove Volunteers are required to have Tier I clearance and are also required to wear their volunteer ID badges while on campus.
Additional volunteer information is available on the CUSD Website.